

I've finished my video of my exchange and travels to Japan this past May to June. Let me tell you what this shaky - over exposed - odd video won't tell you. Japan is AMAZING. So many things to do, places to see, and food to eat. I met so many good people and made friends that I know will last me a life time. This exchange was a dream come true for me. I've always wanted to go to Japan and I was given the opportunity and I TOOK IT. Of course not as aggressive as the caps indicate though. 

Enjoy le video (and my deepest apologies if it causes nausea - I would do a dogeza for you if I could) 

Read MOOAR for a recommendation

Everyone: TRAVEL! No matter what age you are, go see the world. Besides visiting Japan I also went to South Korea and Hong Kong right after. Sadly I didn't take as many videos but I'll blog about it with pics instead. Anyway the things you see and people you meet really open your thoughts and ideas about everything (in a good way). 

OH but yes there's the money issue. I'm the type of person that if I want to do something I make it happen! I saved for this trip for the past 3 years before it and my trip to HK I saved the past 3 months' pay check for it too. I know not everyone will have the opportunity to travel the world (and I thank the Lord for always blessing me in these opportunities) but at least go out there! Be it your community, your city, ANYWHERE! Travel to new places close or far from you and explore. It's great for the soul! 

Hence why I'm so excited to go back to Hong Kong (but lets be honest here, my excitement is from knowing I can hug my mister again after 5 months) and travel to Thailand for a bit!

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